Membership Application Form
Rules and Regulations
- Repair pitch marks on greens
- Repair divots on all fairways
- Rake bunkers
- Keep golf carts off tees, green surrounds and obey all cart rules
- A minimum of one caddy per 3 and 4 ball – No Exceptions
- Speed up play at all times
- All golfers and guests to report to Pro Shop on arrival
Dress Regulations
Mens Attire:
Shorts: Fashionable tailored type golf shorts are allowed.
Running shorts, drawstring type shorts or three quarter pants are NOT allowed
Denim Jeans: Tailored denim jeans are allowed in the Clubhouse but NOT on the Golf Course
Socks: Socks must be worn at all times. Short ankle golf socks must be predominately white
Footwear: Proper golf shoes must be worn on the Golf Course. Soft spikes must be worn on
the Golf Course at all times. No metal spikes allowed
Shirts: Shirts must have collars and sleeves and are to be tucked in at all times on the Golf Course.
Sleeveless shirts may not be worn in the Clubhouse or on the Golf Course
Ladies Attire:
Acceptable dress includes fashionable skirts, shorts, culottes, slacks and pants. Shirts must have collars and fashionable golf socks are allowed